Urban Air Lambada Light Sport Aircraft/Motorglider
Stardust is tucked into a slip in the Telemar Marina next to the 518 causeway in Melbourne, Florida. We drove to Tallahassee for Christmas, joining the Leighton family for a great holiday. Brud and Jean drove down from Illinois with Kathy’s sister Randy, who is visiting from Australia. Kathy’s other sister Kari, and husband Mike hosted the gang and fixed the usual scrumptious meals. We visited their new restaurant for lunch one day for yet another fine meal.
Jim drove back to Melbourne to be on hand for the delivery of the new Lambada airplanes from the Czech Republic. He and Joe Bostik will import the sleek light sport aircraft and hopefully sell tons of them. The first airshow is in Sebring, Florida on Jan 17, and will be a good indicator of the interest in this new ‘plane. If all goes well we will settle here for the immediate future. Check out the Lambada at:
http://www.urbanairusa.com/Meanwhile, Kathy and Rachel visited Jim’s folks and his sister Laura and her family in Panama City, Florida, then drove back to Tallahassee for New Year’s Eve, and will return to PC before joining Jim on Stardust on Jan 9.
We hope all of our friends and family have a happy, healthy, and safe year ahead. We look forward to another year of new adventures, making new friends, meeting up with old friends, and living life to the fullest. It can’t get much better than the year we just had, but we’ll try!